Getting started

The main commands to use BNDL are bndl-compute-shell and bndl-compute-workers.


The main entry point for using BNDL Compute is an instance of bndl.compute.context.ComputeContext. This class provides methods to load Datasets on which Transformations can be applied. See also Context.

Starting the Compute shell

The BNDL Compute Shell is an interactive python shell (using ipython if installed) which starts local workers and/or connects with worker seed nodes.

usage: [-h]
                          [--listen-addresses [LISTEN_ADDRESSES [LISTEN_ADDRESSES ...]]]
                          [--seeds [SEEDS [SEEDS ...]]]
                          [--worker-count [WORKER_COUNT]]
                          [--conf [CONF [CONF ...]]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --listen-addresses [LISTEN_ADDRESSES [LISTEN_ADDRESSES ...]]
  --seeds [SEEDS [SEEDS ...]]
  --worker-count [WORKER_COUNT]
  --conf [CONF [CONF ...]]

By default the Compute shell starts workers as bndl-compute-workers unless --seeds is set.

The shell (with ipython) after start:

$ bndl-compute-shell
Python 3.5.2+ (default, Nov  7 2016, 07:16:13)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 5.0.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help      -> Python's own help system.
object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.

         ___ _  _ ___  _
Welcome | _ ) \| |   \| |
to the  | _ \ .` | |) | |__
        |___/_|\_|___/|____| shell.

Running BNDL version 0.3.2.dev1.
ComputeContext available as ctx.

In [1]:

Starting Compute workers

Workers can be started with bndl-compute-workers:

usage: bndl-compute-workers [-h]
                            [--listen-addresses [LISTEN_ADDRESSES [LISTEN_ADDRESSES ...]]]
                            [--seeds [SEEDS [SEEDS ...]]]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --listen-addresses [LISTEN_ADDRESSES [LISTEN_ADDRESSES ...]]
  --seeds [SEEDS [SEEDS ...]]

Connecting workers and the driver node

By default as many workers as there are CPU cores (as indicated by os.cpu_count()) are started. Set --listen-addresses to a (space separated) list of host[:port] values to bind the hosts to a certain host (and port). The default port for BNDL is 5000. Free ports are automatically selected for the workers. Set --seeds to one or more addresses of nodes which help new nodes find the others.

From a python script

Python scripts can use the ctx global from to acquire a ComputeContext:

>>> from import ctx
>>> ctx.range(1000).map(str).map(len).stats()
<Stats count=1000, mean=2.890000000000001, min=1.0, max=3.0, var=0.11789999999999999, stdev=0.3433656942677879, skew=-3.2053600735213332, kurt=10.25131920569249>