Count the number of even and odd numbers from 0 through 9999:
>>> from bndl.compute.run import ctx
>>> ctx.range(10000) # start with some numbers \
... .map(lambda i: (i % 2, 1)) # create tuples (odd/even, 1) \
... .reduce_by_key(lambda a, b: a + b) # sum the 1's \
... .collect() # and collect to the driver \
[(0, 5000), (1, 5000)]
Take a look at the BNDL source files:
>>> files = ctx.files('*/bndl*', ffilter=re.compile(r'\.pyx?$').search)
>>> files.count()
>>> files.map_values(lambda f: len(f.split(b'\n'))).nlargest(3, key=1)
[('bndl/bndl/compute/dataset.py', 1900),
('bndl/bndl/compute/shuffle.py', 889),
('bndl/bndl/util/cypickle.pyx', 869)]
>>> files.lines().map(str.strip).filter().map(len).stats()
<Stats count=14584, mean=37.7018650575974, min=1.0, max=2991.0, ...>
Stuff with orcid:
jsons = ctx.files('./orcid/').decode().values().map(json.loads)
orcid = ctx.broadcast(jsons.flatmap(orcid_recs).group_by_key().collect())
docs = ctx.cassandra_table('adg', 'document')
auths = ctx.cassandra_table('adg', 'authorship')
auths_by_doi = docs.coscan(authorships, keys=['doc_id'] * 2) \
.map_keys(lambda doc: doc.doi)
matches = auths_by_doi.flatmap(select_matches)
matches.map_partitions(partial(update_adg, ctx)).execute()
Scrape some urls:
def scrape_urls(part_idx, urls):
client = get_client(part_idx)
for url in urls:
yield url, client.execute_script(GET_TEXT)
urls = list(open('adis_urls.txt'))
ctx.conf['bndl.execute.concurrency'] = 4
pcount = max(ctx.default_pcount, len(urls) // 100)
ctx.collection(urls, pcount=pcount) \
Grid search CV:
from bndl_ml.gridsearch import GridSearchCV
search = GridSearchCV(ctx, estimator, param_grid, scoring, fit_params, iid,
refit, cv, error_score)
search.fit(X, y)