
Execute tasks on workers Tasks run as part of a Job Jobs may be composed of multiple Stages BSP model

Workers / cluster

Get the number of workers the driver (local node) is connected to:

>>> ctx.worker_count

Wait for the cluster gossip to stabilize (5 seconds to initial connect ans 60 seconds for the list to stabilize (peer discovery to stop and the peer list in sync with the others)):

>>> ctx.await_workers()

Access the list of peers:

>>> ctx.workers
[<Peer: localdomain.localhost.worker.29235.0.1>, <Peer: localdomain.localhost.worker.29235.0.3>, <Peer: localdomain.localhost.worker.29235.0.2>, <Peer: localdomain.localhost.worker.29235.0.0>]


Profile the CPU and memory usage of the cluster:

>>> ctx.cpu_profiling.start()
>>> ctx.memory_profiling.start()
>>> ctx.cpu_profiling.print_stats(3, include=('bndl'))

Clock type: CPU
Ordered by: totaltime, desc

name                                               ncall         tsub      ttot      tavg
bndl/util/threads.py:21 work                       40/36         0.000524  1.552147  0.038804
bndl/execute/worker.py:83 Worker.execute           40/36         0.001045  1.548825  0.038721
bndl/execute/worker.py:71 Worker._execute          40/36         0.000953  1.546604  0.038665
>>> ctx.memory_profiling.print_top(limit=3)
#1 <frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>:484 136.0 KiB
#2 home/frens-jan/Workspaces/ext/cpython3.5/Lib/abc.py:133 14.9 KiB
    cls = super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace)
#3 home/frens-jan/Workspaces/ext/cpython3.5/Lib/tracemalloc.py:68 10.2 KiB
    class StatisticDiff:
158 other: 199.5 KiB
Total allocated size: 360.7 KiB
<tracemalloc.Snapshot object at 0x7f89686c7898>
>>> ctx.cpu_profiling.stop()
>>> ctx.memory_profiling.stop()

Job and task execution


Descibe task states:

[*] --> ready
[*] --> blocked
blocked --> ready
ready --> pending
pending --> done
done --> [*]

and concurrency, retry / attempts, locality, etc.