BNDL Elastic Documentation

BNDL Elastic exposes loading from and saving to functionality of the python driver for Elasticsearch.

BNDL Elastic can be installed through pip:

pip install bndl-elastic

The main features of BNDL Elastic are loading from, saving to and deleting from Elasticsearch:

dataset = ctx.elastic_search(index, doc_type, **kwargs)
dataset.elastic_index(index, doc_type)
dataset.elastic_create(index, doc_type)
dataset.elastic_update(index, doc_type)
dataset.elastic_upsert(index, doc_type)
dataset.elastic_delete(index, doc_type)

elastic_{index, create, update, upsert, delete} have the (expected) semantics as the corresponding _op_type in the bulk communication with Elasticsearch.

Indices and tables