Source code for bndl_cassandra.session

from collections import Sequence
from functools import lru_cache, partial
from threading import Lock
import contextlib
import queue

from bndl.util.pool import ObjectPool
from cassandra import OperationTimedOut, ReadTimeout, WriteTimeout, CoordinationFailure, Unavailable
from cassandra.cluster import Cluster, Session
from cassandra.policies import DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy, HostDistance, TokenAwarePolicy

TRANSIENT_ERRORS = (Unavailable, ReadTimeout, WriteTimeout, OperationTimedOut, CoordinationFailure)

[docs]class LocalNodeFirstPolicy(TokenAwarePolicy):
[docs] def __init__(self, child_policy, local_hosts): super().__init__(child_policy) self._local_hosts = local_hosts
[docs] def is_node_local(self, host): return host.address in self._local_hosts
[docs] def make_query_plan(self, working_keyspace=None, query=None): if query and query.keyspace: keyspace = query.keyspace else: keyspace = working_keyspace child = self._child_policy if query is None: for host in child.make_query_plan(keyspace, query): yield host else: routing_key = query.routing_key if routing_key is None or keyspace is None: for host in child.make_query_plan(keyspace, query): yield host else: replicas = [replica for replica in self._cluster_metadata.get_replicas(keyspace, routing_key) if replica.is_up] for replica in replicas: if self.is_node_local(replica): yield replica for replica in replicas: # local replica's on other machines if child.distance(replica) == HostDistance.LOCAL and not self.is_node_local(replica): yield replica for host in child.make_query_plan(keyspace, query): # skip if we've already listed this host if host not in replicas or child.distance(host) == HostDistance.REMOTE: yield host
_PREPARE_LOCK = Lock() @lru_cache() def _prepare(self, query, custom_payload=None): return Session.prepare(self, query, custom_payload)
[docs]def prepare(self, query, custom_payload=None): with _PREPARE_LOCK: return _prepare(self, query, custom_payload)
[docs]def get_contact_points(ctx, contact_points): if not contact_points: contact_points = ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.contact_points') if isinstance(contact_points, str): contact_points = (contact_points,) return _get_contact_points(ctx, *(contact_points or ()))
@lru_cache() def _get_contact_points(ctx, *contact_points): if not contact_points: contact_points = set() for worker in ctx.workers: contact_points |= worker.ip_addresses() if not contact_points: contact_points = ctx.node.ip_addresses() if isinstance(contact_points, str): contact_points = [contact_points] if isinstance(contact_points, Sequence) and len(contact_points) == 1 and isinstance(contact_points[0], str): contact_points = contact_points[0].split(',') return tuple(sorted(contact_points)) @contextlib.contextmanager
[docs]def cassandra_session(ctx, keyspace=None, contact_points=None, row_factory=None, client_protocol_handler=None): # get hold of the dict of pools (keyed by contact_points) pools = getattr(cassandra_session, 'pools', None) if not pools: cassandra_session.pools = pools = {} if not keyspace: keyspace = ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.keyspace') # determine contact points, either given or IP addresses of the workers contact_points = get_contact_points(ctx, contact_points) # check if there is a cached session object pool = pools.get((contact_points, keyspace)) # or create one if not if not pool: def create_cluster(): return Cluster( contact_points, port=ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.port'), compression=ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.compression'), load_balancing_policy=LocalNodeFirstPolicy(DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy(), ctx.node.ip_addresses()), metrics_enabled=ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.metrics_enabled'), ) def create(): '''create a new session''' pool = pools[(contact_points, keyspace)] cluster = getattr(pool, 'cluster', None) if not cluster or cluster.is_shutdown: pool.cluster = cluster = create_cluster() session = cluster.connect(keyspace) session.prepare = partial(prepare, session) session.default_fetch_size = ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.fetch_size_rows') return session def check(session): '''check if the session is not closed''' return not session.is_shutdown pools[(contact_points, keyspace)] = pool = ObjectPool(create, check, max_size=4) # take a session from the pool, yield it to the caller # and put the session back in the pool session = pool.get() old_row_factory = session.row_factory old_protocol_handler = session.client_protocol_handler try: if row_factory: session.row_factory = row_factory if client_protocol_handler: session.client_protocol_handler = client_protocol_handler yield session finally: session.row_factory = old_row_factory session.client_protocol_handler = old_protocol_handler try: pool.put(session) except queue.Full: session.shutdown()