Source code for

from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import timedelta, date, datetime
from functools import partial
from threading import Condition
import logging

from bndl.util.retry import retry_delay
from bndl.util.timestamps import ms_timestamp
from bndl_cassandra.session import cassandra_session, TRANSIENT_ERRORS
from cassandra.query import BatchStatement, BatchType, BoundStatement

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    'insert into {keyspace}.{table} '
    '({columns}) values ({placeholders})'

[docs]def batch_statements(session, key, batch_size, buffer_size, statements): from bndl_cassandra import BatchKey if key == BatchKey.none or key is None: yield from statements return elif key == BatchKey.replica_set: get_replicas = session.cluster.metadata.get_replicas key = lambda stmt: ''.join(replica.address for replica in get_replicas(stmt.keyspace, stmt.routing_key)) else: key = lambda stmt: stmt.routing_key statements = iter(statements) by_key = {} def create_batch_statement(statements): first = statements[0] batch = BatchStatement(BatchType.UNLOGGED, first.retry_policy, first.consistency_level, first.serial_consistency_level) for stmt in statements: batch.add(stmt) return batch def create_batch(stmt, k): batch = BatchStatement(BatchType.UNLOGGED, stmt.retry_policy, stmt.consistency_level, stmt.serial_consistency_level) by_key[k] = batch # The Java driver has the option to request the encoded size, the # python driver doesn't, this is an approximation of the size based # on the v4 Cassandra protocol # batch type is a byte, no queries is 2 bytes, consistency level is a # short (2 bytes), flags is a byte, timestamp is 8 bytes # adding 6 bytes margin makes 20 batch.size = 20 return batch while True: try: stmt = next(statements) except StopIteration: yield from by_key.values() break else: k = key(stmt) batch = by_key.get(k) # The Java driver has the option to request the encoded size, the # python driver doesn't, this is an approximation of the size based # on the v4 Cassandra protocol # no params is 2 bytes, statement type is a byte # add some 5 bytes margin makes 8 # each value is prepended by an int stmt_size = 8 + 4 * len(stmt.values) + \ sum(len(v) for v in stmt.values if type(v) == bytes) if isinstance(stmt, BoundStatement): # query strings are prepended by a long stmt_size += 8 + len(stmt.prepared_statement.query_id) else: # query ids are prepended by a short stmt_size += 2 + len(stmt.query_string) if batch is None: batch = create_batch(stmt, k) elif batch.size + stmt_size > batch_size: yield batch batch = create_batch(stmt, k) batch.add(stmt) batch.size += stmt_size
[docs]def execute_save(ctx, statement, iterable, keyspace=None, contact_points=None): ''' Save elements from an iterable given the insert/update query. Use cassandra_save to save a dataset. This method is useful when saving to multiple tables from a single dataset with map_partitions. :param ctx: bndl.compute.context.ComputeContext The BNDL compute context to use for configuration and accessing the cassandra_session. :param statement: str The Cassandra statement to use in saving the iterable. :param iterable: list, tuple, generator, iterable, ... The values to save. :param keyspace: str or None The keyspace to execute the save in (if the statements don't have an explicit keyspace). keyspace is supplied to ctx.cassandra_session which defaults to using the 'bndl_cassandra.keyspace' setting as default value. :param contact_points: str, tuple, or list A string or tuple/list of strings denoting host names (contact points) of the Cassandra cluster to save to. Defaults to using the ip addresses in the BNDL cluster. :return: A count of the records saved. ''' consistency_level = ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.write_consistency_level') timeout = ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.write_timeout') retry_count = ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.write_retry_count') retry_backoff = ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.write_retry_backoff') concurrency = max(1, ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.write_concurrency')) batch_key = ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.write_batch_key') batch_size = ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.write_batch_size') * 1024 batch_buffer_size = ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.write_batch_buffer_size') if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):'executing cassandra save with statement %s', statement.replace('\n', '')) with cassandra_session(ctx, keyspace=keyspace, contact_points=contact_points) as session: prepared_statement = session.prepare(statement) prepared_statement.consistency_level = consistency_level # bind each element in iterable to the prepared statement statements = map(prepared_statement.bind, iterable) # batching statements as configured statements = batch_statements(session, batch_key, batch_size, batch_buffer_size, statements) saved = 0 pending = 0 cond = Condition() failure = None failcounts = defaultdict(int) def on_done(results, idx, statement): nonlocal saved, pending, cond with cond: if isinstance(statement, BatchStatement): saved += len(statement._statements_and_parameters) else: saved += 1 pending -= 1 cond.notify_all() def on_failed(exc, idx, statement): nonlocal failcounts, session if type(exc) in TRANSIENT_ERRORS and failcounts[idx] < retry_count: failcounts[idx] += 1 if retry_backoff: sleep = retry_delay(retry_backoff, failcounts[idx]) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug('query failed with %s, %s in total for this query, backing off with sleep of %ss', type(exc).__name__, failcounts[idx], sleep) session.cluster.scheduler.schedule(sleep, partial(exec_async, idx, statement)) else: exec_async(idx, statement) else: nonlocal failure, pending, cond with cond: failure = exc pending -= 1 cond.notify_all() def exec_async(idx, statement): nonlocal session future = session.execute_async(statement, timeout=timeout) future.add_callback(on_done, idx, statement) future.add_errback(on_failed, idx, statement) for idx, statement in enumerate(statements): with cond: cond.wait_for(lambda: pending < concurrency) if failure: raise failure pending += 1 exec_async(idx, statement) if failure: raise failure logger.debug('all queries issued, waiting for completion') with cond: cond.wait_for(lambda: pending <= 0) if failure: raise failure return (saved,)
[docs]def cassandra_execute(dataset, statement, keyspace=None, contact_points=None): ''' Execute a CQL statement per element in the dataset. :param dataset: bndl.compute.context.ComputationContext As the cassandra_save function is typically bound on ComputationContext this corresponds to self. :param statement: str The CQL statement to execute. :param keyspace: str The name of the Cassandra keyspace to save to. :param contact_points: str, tuple, or list A string or tuple/list of strings denoting hostnames (contact points) of the Cassandra cluster to save to. Defaults to using the ip addresses in the BNDL cluster. ''' return dataset.map_partitions(execute_save, dataset.ctx, statement, keyspace=keyspace, contact_points=contact_points)
[docs]def cassandra_save(dataset, keyspace, table, columns=None, keyed_rows=True, ttl=None, timestamp=None, contact_points=None): ''' Performs a Cassandra insert for each element of the dataset. :param dataset: bndl.compute.context.ComputationContext As the cassandra_save function is typically bound on ComputationContext this corresponds to self. :param keyspace: str The name of the Cassandra keyspace to save to. :param table: The name of the Cassandra table (column family) to save to. :param columns: The names of the columns to save. When the dataset contains tuples, this arguments is the mapping of the tuple elements to the columns of the table saved to. If not provided, all columns are used. When the dataset contains dictionaries, this parameter limits the columns save to Cassandra. :param keyed_rows: bool Whether to expect a dataset of dicts (or at least supports the __getitem__ protocol with columns names as key) or positional objects (e.g. tuples or lists). :param ttl: int The time to live to use in saving the records. :param timestamp: int or or datetime.datetime The timestamp to use in saving the records. :param contact_points: str, tuple, or list A string or tuple/list of strings denoting hostnames (contact points) of the Cassandra cluster to save to. Defaults to using the ip addresses in the BNDL cluster. Example: >>> ctx.collection([{'key': 1, 'val': 'a' }, {'key': 2, 'val': 'b' },]) .cassandra_save('keyspace', 'table') .execute() >>> ctx.range(100) .map(lambda i: {'key': i, 'val': str(i) } .cassandra_save('keyspace', 'table') .sum() 100 ''' if ttl or timestamp: using = [] if ttl: if isinstance(ttl, timedelta): ttl = int(ttl.total_seconds() * 1000) using.append('ttl ' + str(ttl)) if timestamp: if isinstance(timestamp, (date, datetime)): timestamp = ms_timestamp(timestamp) using.append('timestamp ' + str(timestamp)) using = ' using ' + ' and '.join(using) else: using = '' if not columns: with dataset.ctx.cassandra_session(contact_points=contact_points) as session: table_meta = session.cluster.metadata.keyspaces[keyspace].tables[table] columns = list(table_meta.columns) placeholders = (','.join( (':' + c for c in columns) if keyed_rows else ('?' for c in columns) )) insert = INSERT_TEMPLATE.format( keyspace=keyspace, table=table, columns=', '.join(columns), placeholders=placeholders, using=using, ) return dataset.cassandra_execute(insert, contact_points=contact_points)