Source code for bndl_cassandra.partitioner

from functools import lru_cache
from operator import itemgetter
import copy
import math
import random

from bndl_cassandra.session import cassandra_session
from cytoolz import itertoolz

T_COUNT = 2 ** 64
T_MIN = -(2 ** 63)
T_MAX = (2 ** 63) - 1

[docs]def get_token_ranges(ring): ring = [t.value for t in ring] if ring[0] != T_MIN: ring = [T_MIN] + ring if ring[-1] != T_MAX: ring = ring + [T_MAX] return list(zip(ring[:-1], ring[1:]))
[docs]def replicas_for_token(keyspace, token_map, token): replicas = token_map.get_replicas(keyspace, token_map.token_class(token)) return tuple(replica.address for replica in replicas)
[docs]def ranges_by_replicas(session, keyspace): # get raw ranges from token ring token_map = session.cluster.metadata.token_map raw_ranges = get_token_ranges(token_map.ring) # group by replica return itertoolz.groupby(0, ( (replicas_for_token(keyspace, token_map, start), start, end) for start, end in raw_ranges ))
[docs]class Bin(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): self.ranges = [] self.size = 0
[docs]def partition_ranges_(ranges, max_length, size_estimate): # split ranges such that they are small enough # ranges which need to be split are yielded immediately, they'd fill a bin anyway # the ranges smaller than max_length are put into a list for binning # and sorted larger > smaller (First Fit Decreasing strategy) partitioned = [] sorted_ranges = [] for start, end in ranges: length = end - start if length > max_length: parts = int((length - 1) / max_length) step = math.ceil(length / (parts + 1)) for _ in range(parts): partitioned.append((((start, start + step),), step)) start = start + step partitioned.append((((start, end),), end - start)) else: sorted_ranges.append((start, end, length)) # Sort biggest first sorted_ranges.sort(key=itemgetter(2), reverse=True) # container for the bins for this replica set bins = [Bin()] # build one big partition out of the ranges for this replica set for start, end, length in sorted_ranges: bin = bins[0] # see if it fits in the first (least loaded bin) if bin.size + length > max_length: # create a new bin if none found bin = Bin() bins.append(bin) # add the token range to the bin bin.ranges.append((start, end)) bin.size += length # sort the bins so that the least loaded bin is the first candidate bins.sort(key=lambda bin: bin.size) for bin in bins: if bin.size: partitioned.append((bin.ranges, bin.size)) return partitioned
[docs]def partition_ranges(ctx, contact_points, keyspace, table=None, size_estimates=None): assert table or size_estimates with cassandra_session(ctx, contact_points=contact_points) as session: # estimate size of table size_estimate = size_estimates or estimate_size(session, keyspace, table) # calculate a maximum length of a partition # while the ratio of size in megabytes and keys may vary across the tokens # we use the average sizes per token for both to simplify the problem # to 1d bin packing (instead of vector bin packing) max_size_mb = ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.part_size_mb') max_size_keys = ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.part_size_keys') max_length = T_COUNT / ctx.default_pcount if size_estimate.token_size_mb: max_length = min(max_length, max_size_mb / size_estimate.token_size_mb) if size_estimate.token_size_keys: max_length = min(max_length, max_size_keys / size_estimate.token_size_keys) # get token ranges, grouped by replica set by_replicas = ranges_by_replicas(session, keyspace) # container for the partitions (replica, ranges, size_mb, size_keys) partitions = [] # divide the token ranges in partitions, joining ranges for the same replica set # but limited in size (in bytes and Cassandra partition keys) # A greedy bin packing algorithm is used for replicas, ranges in sorted(by_replicas.items(), key=itemgetter(0)): ranges = itertoolz.pluck([1, 2], ranges) partitioned = partition_ranges_(tuple(ranges), max_length, size_estimate) for ranges, size in partitioned: partitions.append(( replicas, ranges, size * size_estimate.token_size_mb, size * size_estimate.token_size_keys )) # shuffle the partitions so that load is spread over the replica sets # use a fixed seed so that the 'randomness' is fixed random.Random(42).shuffle(partitions) return partitions
[docs]class SizeEstimate(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, size, partitions, fraction): if fraction: self.table_size_mb = int(size / fraction) self.table_size_pk = int(partitions / fraction) self.token_size_mb = float(self.table_size_mb) / T_COUNT self.token_size_keys = float(self.table_size_pk) / T_COUNT else: self.table_size_mb = 0 self.table_size_pk = 0 self.token_size_mb = 0 self.token_size_keys = 0
[docs] def __add__(self, other): est = copy.copy(self) est += other return est
[docs] def __iadd__(self, other): self.table_size_mb += other.table_size_mb self.table_size_pk += other.table_size_pk self.token_size_keys = (self.token_size_keys + other.token_size_keys) / 2 self.token_size_mb = (self.token_size_mb + other.token_size_mb) / 2 return self
[docs] def __hash__(self): return (hash(self.table_size_mb) ^ hash(self.table_size_pk) ^ hash(self.token_size_mb) ^ hash(self.token_size_keys))
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return (self.table_size_mb == other.table_size_mb and self.table_size_pk == other.table_size_pk and self.token_size_mb == other.token_size_mb and self.token_size_keys == other.token_size_keys)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '<SizeEstimate: size=%s, partitions=%s, partitions / token=%s, token size=%s>' % ( self.table_size_mb, self.table_size_pk, self.token_size_keys, self.token_size_mb )
[docs]def estimate_size(session, keyspace, table): size_estimate_query = ''' select range_start, range_end, partitions_count, mean_partition_size from system.size_estimates where keyspace_name = %s and table_name = %s ''' size_estimates = list(session.execute(size_estimate_query, (keyspace, table))) size_b = 0 size_pk = 0 tokens = 0 if len(size_estimates) == 1: range_estimate = size_estimates[0] size_pk = range_estimate.partitions_count size_b = range_estimate.mean_partition_size * range_estimate.partitions_count tokens = T_COUNT else: for range_estimate in size_estimates: start, end = int(range_estimate.range_start), int(range_estimate.range_end) # don't bother unwrapping the token range crossing 0 if start > end: continue # count partitions, bytes and size of the token range size_pk += range_estimate.partitions_count size_b += range_estimate.mean_partition_size * range_estimate.partitions_count tokens += int(range_estimate.range_end) - int(range_estimate.range_start) fraction = tokens / T_COUNT return SizeEstimate(size_b / 1024 / 1024, size_pk, fraction)