Source code for bndl_cassandra.join

from bndl.util.funcs import getter, key_or_getter
from bndl_cassandra.dataset import _CassandraDataset
from bndl.compute.dataset import  Partition
from functools import partial
from bndl.util.retry import do_with_retry
from bndl_cassandra.session import TRANSIENT_ERRORS

QUERY_TEMPLATE = '''select {select} from {keyspace}.{table} where {where}'''

JOIN_TYPES = ['inner', 'left']

[docs]class CassandraJoinDataset(_CassandraDataset):
[docs] def __init__(self, src, keyspace, table, contact_points=None): super().__init__(src.ctx, keyspace, table, contact_points=contact_points) self.src = src self._on = [ for c in self.meta.primary_key] self._on_primary = True self._key = getter(0) self._join_type = INNER
@property def _where(self): return ' and '.join('%s = ?' % c for c in self._on)
[docs] def on(self, columns=None, key=None): ''' Join on particular columns (from the primary key in the Cassandra table) and set a key to select the corresponding values from the dataset to join. :param columns: sequence[str], optional The columns to join on. Must be a left subset of the primary key. The following must hold: primary_key[:len(columns)] == columns. When the full primary key is selected, the rows yielded will be single elements (a dict or namedtuple representing the selected row). When only part of the primary key is selected (the partition key columns and perhaps some clustering columns), a list of selected rows is yielded. :param key: callable(element), list[object] or object, optional The key for getting the values to query Cassandra with. Must be a * callable which returns a sequence for each element in this dataset with the values to use in the join. * or a list of objects to be used as index in each element in a toolz.getter(columns) fashion (i.e. using the __getitem__ protocol) * or a plain value to be used with the __getitem__ mechanism ''' if not columns and not key: return self opts = {} if columns is not None: primary_key = [ for c in self.meta.primary_key] for idx, (pk, c) in enumerate(zip(primary_key, columns)): if pk != c: raise ValueError('Column %s at %r not in primary key %r or' ' in wrong position' % (c, idx, primary_key)) opts['_on'] = columns opts['_on_primary'] = columns == primary_key if key is not None: opts['_key'] = key_or_getter(key) return self._with(**opts)
[docs] def inner(self): ''' Yield only rows which have a corresponding row in the Cassandra table. ''' return self._with(_join_type=INNER)
[docs] def left(self): ''' Yield rows regardless of whether a row was selected from Cassandra. ''' return self._with(_join_type=LEFT)
[docs] def parts(self): return [ CassandraJoinPartition(self, src) for src in ]
[docs]class CassandraJoinPartition(Partition):
[docs] def __init__(self, dset, src): super().__init__(dset, src.idx, src)
def _compute(self): ctx = self.dset.ctx key = self.dset._key join_type = self.dset._join_type on_primary = self.dset._on_primary data = self.src.compute() timeout = self.dset.ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.read_timeout') retry_count = max(0, ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.read_retry_count')) retry_backoff = ctx.conf.get('bndl_cassandra.read_retry_backoff') with self.dset._session() as session: query = session.prepare(self.dset.query) for element in data: params = key(element) rows = do_with_retry(partial(session.execute, query, params, timeout=timeout), retry_count, retry_backoff, TRANSIENT_ERRORS) rows = list(rows) if join_type == INNER and not rows: continue if on_primary: if rows: rows = rows[0] else: rows = None yield element, rows